And Here is Why He’s Single….

I am starting a new series on this topic!!
There are quite a few people who don’t have a clue why they simply cannot find a partner, or why those they go on a date with are never heard from again. Screw all the online articles on dating and let’s just bring it back to basics, as common sense seems to be missing. And who else would be able to keep it as real as I do? 😀

There are simply thoughts and things you should never share on a first date. This includes any strange and bizarre view you may have about conspiracy theories, as the following story shows. And yes, this happened to a friend of mine last weekend! And if anyone starts a sentence with “I don’t usually buy into any conspiracy theory…” you should know that this is exactly what they are going to talk about next; namely whatever strange belief they may have.

So, said friend went on a date last Friday with a supposedly highly intelligent and successful man. Luckily for her he was also quite handsome, so she was actually thrilled to be on a date with him. This is until he told her about some research he had done/read about.

Apparently, the largest “liberation” ever created for women was, of course, the birth control pill. However, did you know that the pill cannot get fully absorbed by a woman’s body, which is resulting in a large amount of estrogen that leaks, via the woman’s urine, into our water supply? And...wait for it…this increase of estrogen in our waters, ladies and gentlemen, has further resulted in frogs’ penises getting smaller and smaller since the 70s!

Yep, this is what this guy told her. I mean, what does one say to that? I am not sure I would have had a response to it. I probably would have just nodded, once I realized the guy is serious and then done the crab-walk to escape from the date.

Look, it doesn’t matter what freakish thing you have read or researched. If it involves penises or vaginas you may want to zip it; at least until you know the other person a little better!

1 Comment

  1. hmm… agree with you 200% … hope the girl is safe and happy !

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