Animal Planet

In a recent conversation with my friend Jason I told him how frustrated I am with most people. He understood and then tried to explain how he feels about this planet and those on it. He sees our world as an animal planet. Pretty void of enlightened beings and instead, filled with a whole bunch of not-so-evolved souls, who act like animals; i.e. procreate, follow their whims and being total gluttons on all levels.

Every time I express my annoyance about the human race, I hear from those who claim to be enlightened, that all people are here to learn. Uhm, no! I don’t think so. I know hundreds of people and can think of a mere hand full who actively strives to learn. The rest not only engages in the same insane behavioral patterns year after year, but generally refuses to learn anything at all that requires work. Ooh, and to be a complete tool, the more ignorant, uneducated and the less they have to offer, the more kids they’ll have!

Ah yes, what a hater it makes me to say that. But unless you are complete moron, you must have noticed that all those who really have nothing  to offer to the world, reproduce like rabbits. A trip to Target confirms this. Geez, I can use my own mother. She had 5 kids, one died at birth, which leaves 4 he shouldn’t have had!  My brother and I turned out the way we did because we moved out of the environment and we are both exceptionally self-aware because of it.

Had we become like our mother (or father, for that matter) we would have been whining, finger-pointing, blaming hypochondriacs, drinking or eating ourselves into an early grave. All our issues and problems would have stemmed from how unfair the world and life is, and how people mistreat us. We would have had no choice (’cause it is never a loser’s fault for being one), we would be on marriage number 5 now and have had about 3 to 5 kids from different people. Good times!

What annoys me is not that weak and crazy people are lazy and lack discipline, what annoys me is that they make other people’s life miserable. As soon as their shit starts affecting others, I get offended! I don’t care if you weigh 300 lbs! I do, however, care when you make snide remarks over my “obsessive” work-out habits and the fact that I don’t eat junk anymore. I also care when you feel a need to keep telling me that being fat isn’t your fault and then list excuse after excuse why you can’t muster up the strength to get off your butt and do something about it.

I don’t care if you have 20 kids. I do, however, care when you are a dysfunctional Muppet, who not only teaches their kids how to be a jerk, but doesn’t hold them accountable. Yes, I reserve the right to see a movie in silence. I don’t want to have my movie experience tainted by screaming kids. And while we are at it, I feel the same way about restaurants, stores and other public places. If I would have gotten up to play screaming catch games with my brother in the grocery store, my mom would have spanked our butts. We never behaved like out of control monsters, because we were taught that way! We were also taught to offer a chair to an elderly person or pregnant woman, instead of making faces, while the parents look the other way.

I don’t care if you don’t know how to spell and can’t even form a correct sentence. I do care when you tell me that I need to lighten up and ease up on the “serious” language. Whatever the hell that even means! I also care if you tell me that there is no way I can know this language better than you, because I wasn’t even born and raised here.

I don’t care if you do drugs. I don’t care if you are a polygamist, cheater, alcoholic or a slut. I do care, however, when you make fun of me and call me up-tight, super conservative or boring, just because I choose to live by my own code of ethics and morals, which I don’t attempt to force on others. Because if you feel that my morals and my sense of integrity is too much for you, you are definitely not a friend of mine anyway.

I don’t care if you believe in god, green men, many gods/goddesses, reptilian people or nothing at all. I respect you for the person that you are. I cannot stand those who shove their beliefs down other people’s throats, especially not if you are a douche canoe about it. There is no need to discriminate, belittle or hate those who are different. Back the hell off and shut up! In case you never knew, douche-baggery does not win people over to your cause, ever!

I am annoyed at those who have judged me the harshest for being judgmental or arrogant, when they were merely projecting how judgmental, intolerant and crazy they are. I can’t stand hypocrites. I can’t stand victims, martyrs and nutjobs. I avoid them; I don’t want them in my life. No, I have nothing to teach them, because that type never learns and doesn’t want to be taught. This is their choice and I can respect that, as long as they don’t come near me and start unloading their crap on me or others. In other words, as long as they don’t become a bad virus that affects others (which is especially noticeable in a work environment, where one bad apple literally infects many).

I do believe that this is an animal planet. I do believe that we are not going up hill, but still spiraling downwards. As long as we are being outbred by nuts, as long as we don’t learn, as long as we remain ignorant, unable or unwilling to learn from those who raised us, as long as we blindly follow; as long as our drivers are indifference, apathy and cowardice, we will keep running this planet into the ground. As long as we arrogantly sit on our butts, with a sense of entitlement, waving the flag of “freedom,” “I deserve” and “we are all winners,” even though we are unwilling to move a finger for it, we will turn this already crazy world in an even crazier monkey show.

You want a different reality, life or world? Great! Get off your butt and actually do something, ’cause it definitely won’t fall into your lap!


  1. Large addict on this website, a ton of your blog posts have seriously helped me out. Looking forward to more!

  2. Here is the full comment from Alex Collier:

    Alex Collier has been in contact with an ancient alien race. They are called the Andromedans from the constellation of Andromeda. He has had regular contact since he was eight years old. These Extraterrestrials are human looking but are very highly advanced. We are the Genetic Ancestors of many Galactic Human Races. We were originally created as a slave race by an ancient Reptilian race called the Annunaki in order to mine Monatomic Gold in order to extend there lifespan. Galactic Human DNA was genetically spliced with the Earths Hominids producing Homo Sapiens. Alex Collier outlines the true history of Planet Earth and describes the various alien races including the Greys from Zeta Reticula 2. He also describes the past Ecological disasters which have regularly reduced mankind to starting from scratch. He also explains that the Universe is a Multiverse made up of many Planar levels. At present we are on the bottom floor but are due to move higher in frequency on to the next plane of existence in 2013. These levels where created by God the Creator using Science and have a logical system of evolution and progression. Many races have gone through this evolution in the past.

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