
Before I get any hateful commentary on how astronomy is all BS, not based on science, a scam and so on, I’d like to state that I do not “follow” it, I don’t read my horoscope and I certainly don’t “discriminate” against certain signs. I use it as pure entertainment and I always have been very curious about it, hence, I have really kinda studied it for over 25 years. Just like with races and religions, there are awesome people and douche bags in every sign 😀

I started getting interested in astrology when I was about 14. The reason was simple; I noticed that all my friends were the same signs, while the people I consistently clashed with were also the same signs. These patterns continued until today, and while I won’t go into details about what signs I am talking about, I can give some simple statistics. In the past year I have eliminated four people to the point where I absolutely refuse any contact with them. All four where the same sign.

I have had 4 long term relationships. 3 out of the 4 (including my ex-husband and my now husband) are the same sign, which “coincidentally” is also my moon sign (Gemini). I have one best friend left in Germany, who never forgets me and is the equivalent to my little sister. She is a Gemini. All of their birthdays are five days apart from each other.

The 4th ex-boyfriend of mine is the same sign as my ascendant, or rising sign (Scorpio). An interesting fact here as well is that I have never had a “deadly” clash with either a Scorpio, or a Gemini. I tend to get along with them fabulously and even when we fight, we always make up.

Here are some other “coincidences:” Each time I start “arguing” about anything that isn’t scientifically proven I can count on the fact that the person I am arguing with is an Aries. I have had more conversations about atheism and the lack of a spiritual force with Aries than with any other sign combined. As a matter of fact, my Aries friends also love to get a rise out of me and enjoy a good argument and debate.

I definitely would never argue that all Virgos are super clean and organized, because it isn’t always true. Just like not all Geminis are cheaters or commitment phobes, and not all Scorps are going to retaliate when you mess with them (although, you should watch your back for a while 😉  I can, however, get a pretty good idea if I see a person’s full chart, especially the sun sign, rising sign and moon sign, to say how someone may behave and what their values and thought processes might be like. I also have a way of quite often instinctively knowing what sign a person is, if they are behaving in a very characteristic way of their sun sign.

I am not sure why people get so worked up over people who are into astrology. There are many more “sciences” and studies out there that are abused, false and truly harming people, i.e. the nutjobs who blame vaccinations for autism! To have a little fun by figuring out one’s astrological chart sure as hell hasn’t harmed anyone yet. And for whatever reason, for me, it has been fairly accurate for the past 25 years 😉