Believers and Non-Believers – Both Nuts?

Maybe the Mayans were right, and maybe by December of 2012 a vast majority of the world’s population is going to be gone. However, I don’t think that we are all going to be struck by a meteor; I think we are doing a fine job killing each other. And the most ironic part for me is that we are doing it “for god!”

Whenever I watch a person leaning too strongly to one side, I am amazed at how this particular opinion seems to create a total disregard and sometimes even hatred for the opposing one. I can’t stand fundamentalists, I can’t stand Teabaggers, racists and homophobes, but I don’t want to kill them. I can’t even fathom how anyone could claim allegiance for any organized religion, while preaching hatred and wanting to kill those who believe differently. There seems something so crazy and fanatical in some of these behaviors that I really do wonder how one reaches that point of insanity. But then, studies showed that people who do end up in cults quite often have an above average IQ. Hence, intellect has nothing to do with it.

On the other side of the spectrum we have the atheists; and while I would choose an atheist over a fundamentalist any day, their absolute lack of tolerance for those who do believe in something is also annoying to me. Just because their arguments tend to be witty and overall pretty intelligent doesn’t make them less demeaning or insulting, and I, quite frankly, never understood the need to belittle or insult anyone who holds a different believe than I do, no matter how bizarre it seems.

I am well aware that one could argue that I am a hypocrite, because I am fairly intolerant towards people who are douche bags or hateful. I don’t have a whole lot of compassion for those who feel a need to shoot below the belt line and I simply cannot even begin to understand how anyone would be willing to kill another, or seriously injure them, just because they believe different from me.

To me, the large majority of the world is going nuts these days. I can’t really claim to be an atheist, because I don’t like their methods any more than I like the methods of the believers. Hence, I am Switzerland and dwell in the world of being agnostic. I don’t know what is or isn’t out there. I am not dumb enough to deny that there might be things that are beyond our realm of understanding or science and not arrogant enough to claim that I know what exactly “that” is. If anything, I am very content with not knowing 100% and feel absolutely no need to force my beliefs, or lack thereof, upon another. I also don’t remember a single time in history when brute force and ridicule ever changed anything for the better.

Part of me wonders if I should even think about these things, because at the current rate, they’ll just keep killing each other. But unfortunately, crazy always survives somehow and seems to be part of human nature. All I have to do is look around me, read the papers, read stuff on the Internet, or watch TV to understand that the most radical, crazy and ridiculous notions tends to have the most followers.  It seems that people are so happy to not have to think for themselves that they are following even the most uneducated morons, as long as they claim to be experts, or have “years of experience.”

I have felt like an alien most of my life. I am glad I am a recluse who rarely ventures out into the world. It is not that I hate human beings, I just cannot relate to their insanity and their apparent need to self-destruct. I don’t understand why they ride on “free will” and don’t use it and why they keep repeating the same patterns without ever really achieving anything. If I had to compare myself to any race, I’d say I’m Vulcan! My husband always gets a good laugh out of watching Mr. Spock or Sheldon in the Big Bang Theory. According to him, I embody both characters and could be related to them. The flip side is that I do have a big heart and lots of compassion, which makes it even more difficult to be around those who keep behaving in completely irrational ways.

The only thing I do want to ask the “enlightened” folks out there is this: “If your life is the way of being, then why are you so damn miserable? Why do most of you achieve nothing in terms of happiness and why is the success rate of your way so low? Because all I see is a bunch of miserable, cynical, angry and lost people who are neither achieving enlightenment, nor basic happiness. If another god or lack of one is to blame, then how come YOUR way does not really bring forth people who inspire, change or make the world a better place.”

Now you can go back to hating all those who think differently than you, being content in your misery and hatred. I’ll go home and play World of Warcraft.