Break-the-Cycle Series

In the past, I’ve had a couple people tell me that I should just get over the past, especially the abuse I’ve experienced as a child. Being me, I didn’t […]

True Love - Make it So

Love – nothing will ever be more elevating, more empowering and more worthwhile than true love. And while all know this, it often seems to elude many of us for […]

Why It Truly Doesn't Matter

I’ve noticed an interesting pattern with myself and many people that I know. It’s the pattern of assigning meaning to the things we should, in fact, ignore.  Ever notice how […]

Fake It Until You Make It

It’s a lot of work to rewire your hard drive, also known as your brain. When you’ve been a certain way for so long, or done certain things for equally […]

Time is Precious

Time is precious. It is by far one of the most important commodities in our lives. This is why it is important to treasure every moment and make the best out […]

Sometimes you just have to shake off the dust, jump up, start dancing and singing your own renditions of your favorite songs! I think each and every one of us […]