Break-the-Cycle Series

We are taught to not show anger. It is frowned upon when we are “out of control,” because we are civilized people, who should be able to deal with our […]

Get Your Priorities Straight

Maybe it is human nature to always focus on the things we don’t have. Maybe happiness is completely foreign to us; unless we chase some unattainable goal. But one thing […]

Negativity Kills

Currently, the number one killer and cause of chronic disease is stress; which causes heart attacks, diabetes, asthma and obesity, just to name a few. But what causes continuously high […]

Take Action Now

“Morgen, morgen, nur nicht heute, sagen alle faulen Leute.” A German saying that translates equally great into English; “tomorrow, tomorrow, not today; is what all lazy people say.” No, this […]


I hate my job. I can’t find the right job. No one wants me. I will never find the right guy. I never get what I want. I hate my […]

How to Keep an Open Mind

There is a common misconception amongst people. For some, keeping an open mind means “settling,” and since no one wants to settle, people have a great excuse to keep chasing […]

Right as Rain

What if we could completely eliminate ego? Sure, there are times when ego is absolutely crucial for survival, but what if we could eliminate ego in those areas where it’s […]