Break-the-Cycle Series

The Cycle of Dysfunction

We all are a product of our childhood, parents and environment. Whatever we learn from those around us tends to be what we pass on to others. We all do […]

Bad Managers

People management can be one of the most rewarding positions in the world. The ability to shape and aid another in reaching their goals and ambitions is definitely one of […]

Do you Need a Relationship?

Human beings are, by design, social creatures. With the exception of a few, we like to be around others, we like to know that we belong and that someone cares […]


  One can find them all the time; blogs, books, TV shows, posts and god knows what else, telling you how to get a relationship, telling you if he is […]

My Life Lessons

Even though I don’t drown in regret and sorrow, there are still a few things I would change, if I could go back in time. I sometimes do wonder what I […]

How to Manifest What You Want

When I was in my early 30s I used to be baffled by the type who consistently attracted nothing but “bad luck.” But back then, I couldn’t really put the pieces together, because […]