Break-the-Cycle Series

The Road to Recovery

I grew up in complete chaos. There was my mother, an emotionally unstable and volatile person, at times highly controlling, manipulative and abusive. And then there was my father, an […]

Get Mad – Don’t Get Even

There are days when I am really angry or even enraged, and believe it or not, I am not necessarily PMSing every time. I know this is the general excuse for […]


I know that it appears at times as if I am only capable of administering tough love. However, this is not the case. Yes, I am very annoyed with eternal […]

Good Riddance

For most of us it is difficult to lose people we care about, due to fights or fall-outs. Even when people just get weeded out during natural progression, it isn’t […]

Feel It, But Don’t Act On It!

The good old saying is “Follow your heart!” But actually, this is not necessarily a good idea for everyone, and definitely not a good idea for me, or people like […]

How to Diffuse Whiners

Who doesn’t know at least one whiner? They can be found at work, at home and in pretty much every part of the world. When I talk about a “whiner,” […]