Human Behavior

Up and Down (And Round and Round)

                Whenever I read status updates on Facebook, or see stuff on Twitter, it’s all about inspirational and motivational messages. People’s updates are […]

If we could simply focus, for just a moment, and understand that we control nothing, but our own reactions and perceptions, we can finally let go of the belief that […]

The Party Is Here!

                            It’s Friday night; oops, Saturday morning and the party is right here! Tonight’s attendees are me, […]

Mimic - I'm a Moth

Sometime, one ends up in thought provoking conversations that end up changing one’s perspective; possibly for good. If you ask any of my friends to name some of my most […]

Small World

I am about 8 years old. For the past 2 years I have had ongoing issues with migraines and asthma. My mom took me to our primary physician, who sent […]