Human Behavior

Mad World

! At times it is rather astonishing that some of us genuinely feel happy and find purpose, while walking our path on this planet. There are so many contradictions we […]

Get Your Priorities Straight

Maybe it is human nature to always focus on the things we don’t have. Maybe happiness is completely foreign to us; unless we chase some unattainable goal. But one thing […]


I hate my job. I can’t find the right job. No one wants me. I will never find the right guy. I never get what I want. I hate my […]

Right as Rain

What if we could completely eliminate ego? Sure, there are times when ego is absolutely crucial for survival, but what if we could eliminate ego in those areas where it’s […]

Good Intentions Gone Wrong?

As the saying goes “the road to hell is paved with good intentions.” Worse, sometimes good intentions have the exact opposite outcome, which seems to make even less sense. So […]

Skeptic or Schmuck?

It is easy to spot the religious nuts, the fanatics and other seemingly crazy individuals who openly engage in hate, fear mongering, discrimination and other douche baggery. After all, the […]