Human Behavior

My Life Lessons

Even though I don’t drown in regret and sorrow, there are still a few things I would change, if I could go back in time. I sometimes do wonder what I […]

You are Not a Good Person if...

I really have started to almost dislike the label of “good person.” Apparently, everyone qualifies as a good person, with the exception of axe murderers, sociopaths and other, clearly disturbed […]

Gold Diggers

Apparently, all I really need is keep reading Yahoo’s homepage. There is enough material on there to keep me “entertained” and annoyed enough to write for hours! So, after reading […]

Get Mad – Don’t Get Even

There are days when I am really angry or even enraged, and believe it or not, I am not necessarily PMSing every time. I know this is the general excuse for […]

Approval Junkies

We all want approval! It starts from the moment we are born until the day we die. When we are children, we constantly try to get the approval from our […]


I know that it appears at times as if I am only capable of administering tough love. However, this is not the case. Yes, I am very annoyed with eternal […]