Human Behavior

My Own Talk Show!

The more I watch the garbage that’s on TV, the more I wished I had my own show. But then, no one would watch it, haha. It seems, the dumber […]

How to Diffuse Whiners

Who doesn’t know at least one whiner? They can be found at work, at home and in pretty much every part of the world. When I talk about a “whiner,” […]

Create Your Universe – Any Way You Want It

Again, this post can also be found on California Psychics: Sometimes we get stuck in the past. We drown in self-pity and sorrow over making the wrong choices, over […]

10 Most Desirable Traits in Human Beings

Here is a blog I wrote for CaliforniaPsychics. The link is here: No one is free of flaws and quirks. But there are ten personality/character traits that attract the […]

Narcissists Come in Many Forms

If one wants to look at narcissism from a spiritual point of view, one will find that numerous paths are focused on not being one. For example, studying the Kabbalah […]