
Love, Dove, Schmove, Pove

  It’s the most complicated emotion we can feel and yet, I find it the most important one. What would I be without the ability to love? What would the […]

Happy Valentine's Day

  People seem to really hate Valentine’s Day. I don’t quite understand why. It’s been around for as long as I can remember, even in Germany. Granted, we may not […]


  Why do “inspirational” quotes and posts always tell us what kind of people we shouldn’t keep? Sure, most of this is common sense, but if you want to inspire […]

Demanding to Cut Ties?

I read a post on a friend’s Facebook page. She complained about friends dictating to others who they can be friends with or not. I thought about this for a […]

How do you...?

A friend was asked the following question by a potential date: “How do you keep the man of your choice interested in you, and only you, for the rest of […]