
Life After Death?

I recently finished a book from a doctor who studied near death experiences for years. He collected more than 2,000 NDEs from people across the world; from all religious backgrounds, […]

It's All in Your Head

It sure seems a hard concept to grasp that it truly is all in our head. How we perceive the world, what happens to us (mostly!), what we call reality, […]

TUT - A Note from the Universe

Do you really need someone else’s permission, acceptance, wink, or nod, Carmen, or are you ready to give these to yourself, now? I say, “Ready. Now.”     The Universe 00

My Life Lessons

Even though I don’t drown in regret and sorrow, there are still a few things I would change, if I could go back in time. I sometimes do wonder what I […]

TUT - A Note from the Universe

  For millenniums, Carmen, the path to enlightenment has been made up of many steps. Most commonly, it begins with festering misunderstandings that lead to pain, the pain then leads […]