Things that Annoy Me

Dating - Poison for the Soul

          There is nothing, absolutely nothing more demoralizing than online dating. But what’s an introverted woman, who hates bars, to do? The choices are limited and […]

Facebook Sucks

        Today, I was shaken to my core about something I had inadvertently seen on Facebook. As I was innocently scrolling down my “Newsfeed,” I stopped at […]

Tails from the Nail Salon

  Today, I dropped $210 at the nail salon. I got a manicure, a pedicure and some waxing; nothing out of the ordinary. So why did I spend so much […]

Walk the Walk or Shut Up

Yep, it’s that time again where I’m shaking my head, not sure if I should laugh, or grind my teeth. These days, I’m choosing to laugh, but oh boy… And […]

Well, if their missile creating abilities are as awesome as their video making ones, I’m not going to worry right now. Meanwhile, I think the hypocrisy of using the animations […]