Things that Annoy Me

Animal Planet

In a recent conversation with my friend Jason I told him how frustrated I am with most people. He understood and then tried to explain how he feels about this […]


  One can find them all the time; blogs, books, TV shows, posts and god knows what else, telling you how to get a relationship, telling you if he is […]

Dear Governor Brown,

  I am well aware that Arnold Schwarzenegger made some really bizarre decisions that are now costing us dearly. Having said that though, there seems to be a general disconnect […]

Stop the Insanity

“What is wrong with our world” is what people keep asking, eager to point fingers and deny the fact that they might be part of the problem. We live in a […]

You are Not a Good Person if...

I really have started to almost dislike the label of “good person.” Apparently, everyone qualifies as a good person, with the exception of axe murderers, sociopaths and other, clearly disturbed […]

Why Evangelicals Hate Jesus

I often wonder why the obvious seems to occur only to a few of us. But then, if you brainwash them early on, you’ll succeed in spreading bigotry, lies and hatred. […]

God - Imaginary Sockpuppetry?

I felt this is a study worth sharing; especially for our evangelical, fanatic “friends.” +10