Things that Make Me Happy

Time is Precious

Time is precious. It is by far one of the most important commodities in our lives. This is why it is important to treasure every moment and make the best out […]

Today I’m here to tell you that I love you, deeply and truly! You need to know this, because I’ve noticed that you are doing it again. You are doubting, […]

Sometimes you just have to shake off the dust, jump up, start dancing and singing your own renditions of your favorite songs! I think each and every one of us […]

When I was a child I used to have the most vivid imagination. I literally spent years dreaming up new worlds, people, situations and identities. I had wings and didn’t […]

Rejection - Part II

Having talked yesterday about rejection being a good thing, because we generally have something/someone better waiting for us, I’d like to talk today about the deserved rejection we get when […]

Thoughts, Beliefs and Other Stuff

For the past few months I have done quite a bit of soul searching. I did my “infinite possibilities” training and started meditating and visualizing again. Within these new parameters […]

I didn’t write this article, but couldn’t have said it better. I am also proud to report that I have learned this and do a pretty good job, most of […]