
I hate my job. I can’t find the right job. No one wants me. I will never find the right guy. I never get what I want. I hate my life.

Do any of these statements sound familiar? Do you actually live by these “words of wisdom?” If the answer is “yes,” chances are you’ll keep getting more of the same; and you, my friend, need to not manifest more money or the partner of your dreams, no, you my friend need to manifest a clue! If you want a more positive spin on that, manifest wisdom and self-awareness!!

So here I go, again, stirring up the proverbial hornet’s nest, because we all know that it is highly uncomfortable and not nice to not feel more sympathetic and beat around the bush, which is what our society does well. Let’s not hold ourselves accountable at all, but instead blame unforeseen forces; better yet, let’s blame others! Let’s also attack all those who actually call us on our own BS and don’t feed our sad and bruised egos some more.

Yes, there are things in life that require luck. But I will always argue that about 90% of our life’s quality depends on our choices. Yep, this will make the victims cry out “she is judging me! Because darn, it isn’t my fault!” I really believe that making mistakes is human. We all have made some rather bizarre, if not to say, crazy decisions in our lives; and at some point found ourselves scratching our heads, wondering how in the world we got there. Maybe we simply thought “WTF?!” Well, at least I have found myself in that boat on numerous occasions, where I really wanted to blame temporarily insanity. Alas, I have always been the type that would plunge head first into any disaster that deemed “my help.” Yep, come on in! The waters of deception, denial and self-pity are warm and keep me safe and toasty. It might look crazy to you that I keep sticking my finger into the light socket and get shocked, but hey, I’ve done it my entire life and that makes it much more comfortable than learning to not touch the damn outlet to begin with.

I have sad news to report to those who have safely planted themselves into the role of eternal victim. It’s not going to change for you, ever! Because as long as you keep sitting on your butt, complaining about the injustice of it all, while pointing the finger at your parents, your friends, your exes, your family, or god, you’ll just get more of the same. Yes, there will always be people who pat you on the head and buy into your crap of victimhood and chances are, they are equally as “successful” as you are in mastering life. Negativity breeds negativity, misery keeps company; it’s as simple as that. And it’s the reason that successful people hang out with other successful people and losers hang out with losers.

How do you grow a clue? Well, realize that while one finger points at others, four point back at you. Want to have a new life? Start by changing your behaviors and reactions! Therapy really is our friend! Don’t like sitting on the couch and telling your sad stories? Try cognitive behavioral therapy! Get a life coach, sign up for a college course, finally get your butt into the gym, go for a walk. Catch my drift? Nothing will ever change, as long as you cannot and will not change your own actions, thoughts and words; and that is the ugly truth!

But don’t be discouraged, sad or angry. There is hope for everyone and life can change at the blink of an eye. Sadly, not for those who are unwilling to take action. Good things rarely come to those who wait, or are complacent. Good things come to those who work for them and take a risk. The moment you actually start holding yourself accountable is the moment you’ll start noticing change. Until then, go meditate and manifest a clue!


    1. Thank you! I don’t really sugarcoat anything; at all! 😉 I do, however, genuinely try to help others. I just don’t think that feeling sorry for them and feeding their own stories of self-defeat really helps.

  1. My favorite part: “Let’s also attack all those who actually call us on our own BS and don’t feed our sad and bruised egos some more.” I have a hard time when someone actually asks me to call them out then hold it against me!
    I think when you actually realize the truth of your life will never lie in the bs people feed you so you “like” them or they like you….you will begin to live that truth–you won’t need to seek it out from others for any reason. And if they begin to seek that bs from you, you will spot it from a mile away, and turn and run! Who needs it?!

    1. I agree, Lisa. I think I’ll rather have integrity and real friends, than a whole bunch of fake friends who turn on me when I am honest, even though they asked me to “tell them.” Life is great when you are in charge of it!

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