Facebook Sucks

FB sucks





Today, I was shaken to my core about something I had inadvertently seen on Facebook. As I was innocently scrolling down my “Newsfeed,” I stopped at one to read an outraged “let’s get these bastards” comment from my niece’s husband. As part of the ever increasing suck-factor of Facebook and the fact that videos are now starting to play without you pushing the “play” button, I watched in disbelief as a couple sadists poured gasoline over a tiny puppy, set it on fire and watched as it tried to run away, only to be dowsed again in lighter fluid. It was one of those moments where I couldn’t truly comprehend what I was watching until it was too late. I can never unsee this and felt like crying. I still feel sick. I still feel outraged. These images will stick with me for a long ass time.

I don’t know what kind of world I am living in. I can neither comprehend anyone torturing a living being, especially not a helpless baby, human or animal, and I cannot believe that anyone would post this shit either. Sure, you want to sometimes raise awareness, maybe even help solve a crime. In this case, however, the video was posted by a narcissistic asshat, who posted it for likes! The video itself was years old and the perpetrators had long been caught and punished. As is my detective and just nature, I reported the video and the sick bastard who posted it to FB. Of course, neither was removed. Apparently,  torturing an animal on live video to death does not violate FB’s community rules.

The thing is that I once signed up for Facebook, way back in 2008. I signed up because I hated MySpace and I wanted to keep in touch with people I will never see or hear from otherwise; I.e. My family in Germany, my old classmates from Germany, etc. Meanwhile, FB has turned itself and quite a few people who are using it, into monsters. Nothing is “holy” anymore. Everything is fair game in the name of sensationalism, likes and attention. No matter how horrific and scarring the content is, there is always one asshole who will share it under the guise of raising awareness. On the opposite end of the spectrum is Facebook, who has turned into a money grabbing whore, allowing any content in the name of the mighty dollar. The only time they will take action is if enough people rise up in horror and command them to remove the content.

I feel I am part of the problem, because I won’t delete my FB page. Having my entire friend base and family on there is the only reason. My hermit butt would never, ever be in contact with anyone and I would never hear how my best friends’ kids are doing, or what is happening in Germany with my family; like when my sister was in the hospital, which I only found out because my niece posted it on Facebook!

It makes me angry and sad. I want to boycott these douche canoes and yet, I am not. Sure, I get it. There is a bit of a narcissist in all of us. We want to “share” the great things we are doing and quite often, we feel strangely validated and accepted when we can post our successes or find others who “like” them. And no, I do not see it as narcissistic, when my friends post pictures of their vacations, promotion celebrations, new babies, weddings, etc. These are the reasons I am connected with them in the first place. Even the saddest parts and the pain they are sharing is something I can relate to and usually find honest and refreshing in its rawness and straight forwardness. But posting videos/pictures of executions, suicides or torture is a whole different ballgame that violates all rules of common decency. I have many friends who are advocates for suicide prevention, animal welfare, cancer prevention, human trafficking prevention and child welfare, just to name a few and they are doing fine getting the attention and donations they ask for without posting graphic content.

I wish I had an idea like Zuckerberg did. I wish I had the technical expertise to start and market my own social network, so I could keep these asshats of my site. But I guess having these morals would keep me from ever making a dollar, which is also quite sad. I wish all my friends and family were on Instagram or Twitter, so I could delete my Facebook page. Alas, all I can do is keep boycotting horrific content by reporting it and asking my friends to join me in the fight. Facebook sucks.

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