Gold Diggers

Apparently, all I really need is keep reading Yahoo’s homepage. There is enough material on there to keep me “entertained” and annoyed enough to write for hours! So, after reading article after article about these two nutjobs:

I have decided to actually add my 2 cents, because it is my blog and this chick just pisses me off. Of course, Mel Gibson is a douche canoe, too. Who in the world would respect a bigoted, racist a-hole like him anyway? But then, this is precisely my point!

What in the world could this gold digging freak really have on him that could possibly make his image or reputation any worse than it already is? And why does he think that paying her millions of dollars would somehow repair any of it?

I’m not going to share in detail what I think about whiny a** bitches who somehow feel they are entitled to millions of dollars. None of these classy people apparently, want to work for a living. But then, maybe this is the point I am missing, because maybe all she has to offer to obtain an income is her crotch. Why she even succeeded I simply will never understand, because man, he should have seen her coming about 100 miles away.

I am repeatedly baffled at how stupid some very wealthy celebrities are. Over and over they are getting caught cheating, screwing hookers, driving drunk, stealing and other shenanigans the general public would never get away with; and none of them ever seem to learn. I mean, really? What part of them being in the public eye and everything they do going public do they not get?

I am going to take a judgmental stab at these chicks who blackmail these dumb asses for money. So, because she is so wholesome, loving and caring, she has no problem screwing you while you are married or otherwise engaged in a relationship? Because we all know, this is what good women do; they screw another woman’s man! Yeah, yeah, they are exceptions to the rule and if you feel offended go read another blog and bite me. Overall, a chick who has no problem going after another person’s partner is probably not going to be so trustworthy and usually not in it for the long haul, my friend. It takes a certain kind to do this, namely the self-serving, I-don’t-give-a-damn kind.

I am also simply amazed why these women always need millions? There are many single moms out there and none of them have millions. My mom was a cleaning woman and look at how I turned out 😀 What in the world makes a case for needing over 10 million dollars for giving birth? I mean, really? Plus, if I’d be the judge I’d tell her that she, by mere act of leaking all of this to the media, kinda screwed herself out of a large settlement as the intent for gold digging and douche baggery has clearly been established in her case. Come to think of it, we should have a law against gold digging and douche baggery!

Women like her make me so mad, because they give us all a bad rep. Not all women are calculating, gold digging, unfaithful, manipulative whores, who obviously don’t think with anything else besides their genitalia. And yes, quite a few of the decent, intelligent and successful women are also hot (<—insert Jennifer Aniston here). But then, maybe the reason these bimbos are as successful as they are is simply that they guys who get screwed also tend to be douche canoes; and as we know, birds of a feather flock together!

Meanwhile, I want to tell her the same I want to tell most people these days “Shut up, already and go away!”