Good Intentions Gone Wrong?

As the saying goes “the road to hell is paved with good intentions.” Worse, sometimes good intentions have the exact opposite outcome, which seems to make even less sense. So when one is on a diet, one ends up gaining weight. And isn’t it the strangest thing that each time we are finally ready for therapy or that personal trainer we suddenly find ourselves unable to find one, or being able to afford one. This is definitely one of the best ways to show the power of one’s subconscious mind, and true intentions at its finest. This is why confidence shows, why positive people get what they want and why those who know what they want are able to manifest it.

There is a huge difference with really wanting to do something and setting your mind to it, versus saying that you “should” be doing something, because it might or even will be getting you to where you want to be. The words “should” register in the depth of your mind as “won’t,” and pretty much have the same effect. This is why those who should quit smoking don’t, the ones who should be losing weight keep gaining or staying where they are at, and those who really should be getting in therapy to have the life they so desire remain single.

Wanting something and truly being willing to do whatever it takes to get it, are two completely different things. Any massive change in one’s habits require the necessary mind set and no matter how great we might  be in fooling others, our mind isn’t so easily fooled and knows exactly what our true intentions are. And, to top it off, most people will also, sooner or later, see who someone truly is, because in order to convince someone of being anything, one has to consistently be whatever one claims to be. So if you are highly insecure, no matter how secure you may try to appear on the outside, you’ll always end up revealing your insecure nature by how you end up acting most of the time; especially when you are under pressure.

So how does one turn intentions into actions? I guess, by asking yourself how bad you really want it. Some sit on their couch and wait for their life and happiness to unfold; while not moving a finger and not changing a thing. Well, good luck with that! Everything worth having and being requires three things; discipline, determination and persistence, or in other words, willpower.

I generally make lists. I write out the pros and cons of the thing I want and what my intent is for getting it. I then carry said list with me and read it at least once a day. I guess, one could say that not only am I putting my true intentions out there, but I keep reinforcing them until they are stuck and have successfully overwritten whatever faulty or stagnant belief I had before. I recognize that it takes time and I leave room to forgive myself if I don’t get it right immediately. But with persistence, determination and discipline I’ll end up getting it right sooner rather than later.

Don’t waste time on complaining about how hard things are, but take it one day at a time. Focusing on the entire road ahead makes things daunting and often we’ll end up setting ourselves up for failure. But if you take it one day at a time/use baby steps, you will end up succeeding. It’s that persistence thing, you know?


    1. Wow, your post makes mine look feeble. More power to you!

  1. Saved as a favorite, I love your blog! 🙂

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