Happy New Year


My very first instinct is to say “Wow, this year sucked!” But then, I cannot help but think that my glass is half full, not half empty and as always, it alters my perspective.

Yes, this year was one of the most difficult years, because it was decision time again. This year was also one of the most liberating ones, because I believe that I set new standards for my life and for who I am; yet again.

The beauty of possibility is that it is infinite. We wake up every day with a clean slate. We can create from this place, destroy from it, or rinse and repeat. We can try again, even if we’ve gotten it wrong most of the times before. We don’t have to feel sorry for ourselves, cry over that which was and worry about the what ifs and the maybes. No, we can get up and say “in the midst of all my messes is one common denominator, and that is me. We can do this every day and well, sometimes we’ll do it on the day of a new year, or the day as we bid the old one farewell.

It is never too late for anything. Restrictions are only as big as your head is. Want to lose weight? Hit the gym and get with a weight-loss program. Don’t like your job? Time to find one you do. Have shit friends? Find new ones; and so on. It all begins with us. Our world will change when we change our perspective and when we change who we are.  It’s not “them” it is us who have to change.

So, in this spirit, I am going to continue to change, keep my mind wide open, my bar raised high and my standards freshly affirmed and secured.

We’ve got one life. One life to live and not a moment to waste or lose. Stand up for yourself, love yourself, challenge yourself to be the best you can be and march to the beat of your own drum. I promise, it will be OK!



  1. Hi I just found your blog! Do you have before/ after pics of yourself? I want to become an athlete just like you did!

    1. Hi Lia,

      Yes, I do. Contact me via my email, which is provided in my “about me” page.

    2. It is never too late to start and you are never “too far gone.”

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