Happy New Year – 2013

Happy New Year



Yay, another year passed! I’m not even going for any New Year’s resolutions. I do what I need to do, regardless of what time of the year it is.

I do believe that 2013 will be awesome. It’s been a bit difficult professionally, since Yahoo, but at least I was never out of work. For the first time in the past four years, I am happy again, though. I love working for Intuit. It’s Yahoo’s culture, the way it was before they went downhill, but better benefits and incentives. I am super excited to go to work everyday.

Health is still a bit of a battle. Alas, doing Yoga, eating right and keeping my stress levels down is helping a lot.

I must say, I am not too thrilled with the 40s. I never truly cared about age, but find it difficult to like my exterior. Well, I’m not going to whine about it. I still don’t really have wrinkles and while it is harder to not gain weight and become slim again, I feel that I am doing a fine job in working on it.

And of course, this year is going to be my 4th wedding anniversary. It’s great to be married, especially to a handsome, super witty, intelligent and gentle guy like Andrew. Our two doggies and two kitties are our children and contribute to the family feel. And of course, it’s great to live down by the beach in the perfect place, while riding around in Knopfette, my Nissan Leaf.

It’s easy to always focus on the things we do not have, the ways we could look, be or feel better. But I think in doing so we miss all the awesomeness that already surrounds us right now. When I look back at where I once came from to where I have gone and whom I have become, I have no other choice but feel happy.



  1. Dear ? ! (sorry, donb4t know your name)thank you soooo much for these beautiful yoga nardis. You have such a wonderful calming voice, we can sense that you speak from your heart with love, you have a talent to help people heal themselves. I am a yoga teacher, just getting into yoga nidra, and I am learning at the moment from you so that I can apply it in my classes. It is such a wonderful tool. Me and my friends want to thank you sooo much for the peace you spread so freely Do you mind me sharing you on fb????? With my yoga students?Thank you from Spain, with a big smile and sending sunshine from the coast of Andalucia,a big fanKat

    1. Hey Elena, my name is Carmen 🙂 And yes, you may share my blog.

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