Happy Valentine’s Day



People seem to really hate Valentine’s Day. I don’t quite understand why. It’s been around for as long as I can remember, even in Germany. Granted, we may not have celebrated it, but we acknowledged it and it has always been known as “the day of the lovers.”

I kind of think that Valentine’s Day is awesome. Not for the commercialized aspect of the obligatory flower and chocolate gifts, but because I think we SHOULD have a day for the lovers. Hell, I think we should love every day and quite honestly, in this day and age I feel that love is underrated!

It feels as if our lives revolve around “stuff” and work; making more money, being more busy and more successful. Our feelings and emotions are watered down. We don’t put a whole lot of stock in our hearts anymore and rely instead on our amazing intellect and rationale. It is frowned upon to feel and most emotions are seen as mushy and weak.

What a sad state of affairs! If it would be up to me, almost the entire world population would be in therapy, learning how to let go of undesirable and emotionally crippling behavioral patterns. There should be workshops for how to feel more and be less selfish. We should school people on the power of true intimacy and teach them how to connect, without sex. I find it rather laughable how many consider f***ing their indicator for intimacy. I’d love classes on how to open your heart, be present and share love and kindness; for the joy of it! I want tools to heal broken hearts and let go of past hurts and regrets for everyone.

I want the bah humbugs to shut up. I want a world filled with more Dali Lama’s and less politicians. I want to give chocolate hearts out all the time and I want to share my love and heart as often as possible, because I think love is the only thing truly worth living for. I believe love is all that matters, especially when we are stripped of the stuff we have made a priority, usually for the wrong reasons.

Happy Valentine’s Day! Doesn’t matter if you are single, married or in a relationship, know that you are loved. And when you are loved, you are not truly ever alone.