How to Identify a True Tool – Or Another True Rant of Mine!

When I listen to the stories from friends and my husband and compare them to my own experiences, I can sometimes get extremely frustrated and infuriated. Nothing puts a greater damper on one’s happy life and well-being than the true tools of the world! These people have a way of making everyone else miserable and are absolutely oblivious to it.

Everyone makes mistakes; sometimes we are all tools in our behaviors. Sometimes we say the wrong things at the wrong time and sometimes we are in a bad mood, or going through stuff. But what really qualifies anyone for the “permanent douche/tool” category, are those individuals who keep going, while never, ever taking even an ounce of responsibility or learning a damn thing. No! When you confront these people they deny, blame it on you, attack you and then seek refuge with others, who will confirm that they are the victim and not to blame. These individuals walk through life making themselves and everyone else sick. They are like a virus, spreading and infecting all those who have to be in contact with them; because sometimes you simply don’t get to walk away.

I mean, I truly do get that these Muppets are mental. They have to be, for all logical people would conclude that the same stats, i.e. a consistently shitty life, lack of friends and personal success, as well as employees and family members, who keep on walking out on them or avoiding them, would have to have something to do with them. But no, ladies and gentlemen; these crazy folks keep engaging in douche baggery, while whining, crying wolf and harming those who attempt to stand up to them. Their finger happily points at the poor folks who have to keep up with their crap, day in and day out.

It pisses me off royally that those individuals still keep disturbing my hard earned Zen moments. After years of struggling, I am finally learning to be the Zen master, until another victim, whiny, woe-is-me, you-are-to-blame, must-talk-behind-your-back or be passive aggressive Muppet throws another grenade over my fence.

Lately, one of my loved ones is dealing with such a douche canoe, that I wished I could step in and offer a piece of my mind. I have finally learned the beauty of no longer feeling guilty. My world is great. I have no problem telling someone how I feel and no, I won’t beat myself up over it, the way I used to. Quite on the contrary, I find my new boundary setting and speaking my truth quite refreshing. Plus, the once I resort to speaking into a certain way deserve it anyway. Not too many moments where I go “aw, he/she really didn’t deserve it.” If I unleash these days, the person had it coming for quite a while!

I wished I could offer advice for dealing with true tools. I wished I could help my love to deal with a complete jackass. Alas, they never learn anything. They don’t change, no matter what you are telling them, so any truth is just going to be met with resistance, attacks and shut down; and, of course, telling you how mean and hurtful you are. The bullies of the world are great in offending others, but when things come around for them they show their true, coward colors.

I don’t know what is worse, that they keep getting away with it, because sooner or later most people are resigned to telling them the truth and simply avoid them, walk away or no longer listen; or the fact that they perpetuate the cycle by finding other superficial, or cowardly individuals who won’t say a word and therefore confirm their BS stories.

I feel that this is what is wrong with the world and this is why our planet’s vibrations are so low. There are too many victims, irresponsible whiners in denial mode, infecting the peaceful people with their stories of sadness, misery, lack and anger. Integrity and honesty seem highly understated these days; in a society that seems to reward douche baggery and makes it harder for those who do the right thing. In a world where we are all winners and no one is held accountable for their actions, it seems almost impossible at times to hold one’s light and walk the path of one’s higher self.

Alas, instead of turning into a tool myself, I simply choose to rant about them. At least, my negativity leaves, instead of being a constant way of being and getting stuck inside of me. As for the permanent douche canoes, I hope your canoe sinks rather sooner than later! See you, never; sucks to be you. And remember, what goes around comes around. It is simply a matter of time until your number is up and you’re served with the bill for your actions and words.


  1. Great post, Im now one of your feed followers!

    1. Thank God! Somonee with brains speaks!

  2. Hey, subtle must be your middle name. Great post!

  3. I love the part about people not being held accountable for their actions. So many people think they get a free pass to dump on people. They keep doing it because no one steps up and says, “Hey you, knock it off or I am not dealing with you.” We need people willing to set boundaries and confront the jerks of the world. We don’t pick fights; we also don’t tolerate disrespect.

    1. I agree with you, Erin. The problem is that a lot of people will get in your face for “sticking your nose where it doesn’t belong.” After all, if people never speak up and you are the only one who does, it makes you look like you are the one with the problem.

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