Karma – What Goes Around Comes Around


A little over a week ago I’ve had a conversation with a friend about karma. She asked me why she can’t ever see it come around for bad people, which inspired me to share my view on the topic.

I don’t subscribe to the Buddhist view of karma, where we might be punished for something that we’ve done 6 lifetimes ago. I have, however, noticed that karma is much more something that plays out in this lifetime; not in the next.

Have you ever met people who are just douche bags? The kind that blame everything on someone else, they are always a victim and nothing is their fault. They treat people badly because they feel wronged all the time and retaliate when someone calls them on their crap. Have you ever met the kind that has no problem walking over others in order to get what they want? Like the kind who sleeps with a friend’s boyfriend/girlfriend, or the shitty parent who uses their kids as leverage and means to manipulate after a divorce. Have you met people who constantly lie, manipulate and hurt others? I’ve met plenty of them, and when I was younger I used to also wonder why in the world they seemed to get away with murder, while good people had horrible things happen to them.

The thing is, I don’t believe that “punishment” is necessarily served by a god or goddess, or many gods.The best way I can describe it is by either saying that what goes around always does come around and that karma is like a menu; you get served exactly what you deserve and “ordered” with your own actions. See, it’s not so much that bad people get away with things. And by the way, there are no bad people on this planet. I have never met anyone who looked in the mirror and thought “wow, I’m an asshat. That was really shitty what I did/said there and I should really apologize and correct the error of my ways.” No, people usually do fine by telling themselves that they were wronged and are not to blame. But, and this is where it does comes around, have you EVER seen any of these people lead happy lives?!

When I look at the lives of the people who have seriously wronged me or others, I find that their lives are pretty shitty. There isn’t a whole lot of joy or happiness. They suffer from constant money problems, can’t find/keep jobs, have major health issues, are constantly fighting with someone, losing friends/partners left and right, and living an overall meaningless, small life that is built up by the construct that they just have bad luck. But then I look at the lives of people who carry a tremendous light about them, I look at those who continuously try to be the better and kinder person, no matter what is thrown at them, I look at my own life and that of the people around me and I can clearly see, that throughout trials and bad things, we not only triumphed and overcame, but we actually found meaning and happiness.

Karma is not something that gets served by a higher being. No, Karma gets served by the quality of life you have, based on the choices you’ve made and continue to make. Karma is not the hammer of god. Karma is the hammer of your energy. When you send crappy energy out, you get exactly that back. When you treat others poorly, when you are dishonest, spiteful, vindictive, mean, or an everlasting victim, you’ll attract people who are just like that. Healthy people in mind and soul don’t spend energy on soul sucking jerks. We all make choices and we either choose to learn and grow, or to stay where we are at. So I told my friend, “think of the people you believe haven’t had it come around for them, and now tell me how happy they are and what lives they live. I can guarantee you that their lives are mediocre at best, but often hell on earth.”

I don’t look for karma anymore. Instead, I focus on my own choices, words, actions and belief systems, so my life can remain the awesome one it is.