


Why do “inspirational” quotes and posts always tell us what kind of people we shouldn’t keep? Sure, most of this is common sense, but if you want to inspire me, well, give me something positive.

I am going to tell you now what type of people to keep! And just like the ones you shouldn’t keep, this is common sense, so expect no huge “ooh” and “ah” moments here. But, it is nice to be reminded, because sometimes people forget or take things for granted. So, here are the keepers!

  1. People who make you happy
  2. People who bring out the best in you
  3. People who challenge you (see No. 2)
  4. People who inspire by action, not just pretty words
  5. People who have a high sense of integrity
  6. People who make you laugh
  7. People who at least attempt to understand you
  8. People who see your core/can look past your flaws
  9. People who add in a positive way to your life