Life After Death?

I recently finished a book from a doctor who studied near death experiences for years. He collected more than 2,000 NDEs from people across the world; from all religious backgrounds, creeds, nations and belief systems. The results were not only astonishing but also deeply comforting.

I used to wonder if NDEs were a possible side-effect of a dying, oxygen deprived brain. But after reading this book, amongst other studies I have followed within the past 25 years, there is simply no doubt that there is more to us than what meets the eye; and that there is a universal oneness we are part of.

On Saturday morning, at 5 am, my brother-in-law died of lung cancer. I have never seen my sister hurt and suffer as much as she is doing now. It helps a great deal that I have spent many years in search of “something else.” After my mother died, I wanted to know what and if there is anything else. I have “seen” my mother 3 times since she died in 1988, and I know, without the shadow of a doubt, that I did, in fact, speak to my mom. I have so much proof of “something else” that I no longer fear death and that I can celebrate the life of someone who has passed, as I merely see it in terms of passing to another reality or life altogether. Note that I do not speak of having proof of “god!” I want to make it clear that I am not a religious person and that it is not “god” I am talking about!

I have often wondered about the voices of so-called “skeptics,” as I never did understand the need to be cynical, or to ridicule those who not only find comfort, but also have proof that there is more to life than what they claim to know. What need does one feel to tell a child, or an adult, for that matter, that their source of strength and comfort in their darkest hours is ridiculous and a figment of their imagination.

I have shared the accounts of NDEs I have read about with my sister; how I saw our mom and how she explained to me how things work “over there.” I told her about the time I had a reading from a guy who talks to those who had passed over, how I felt that this was all probably a farce and how this man not only got the names of those who had died in my life, but knew details that I didn’t know at the time. The best way to demonstrate this, is when this man asked me who the man was who was with my mother. He said his name was “Gerard” or something (Gerhard) and asked if this was my father. I told him no, Gerhard was my mother’s ex-husband and that he was still alive and kicking. Days later I received an email from Germany, from my best friend Iris, stating “Hey Carmen, thought you should know that your ex stepfather, Gerhard, died a week ago!

I consider myself a fairly logical person. I consider myself someone of sound reason and logic and I can attest that there are things I have experienced in life that defy all logical explanations. I never did do drugs or drink and hence, can clearly state that I have never suffered from hallucinations.

In times of grief and loss I find great comfort in knowing that my “light” is not extinguished when I die. I find comfort in knowing that there is true love and that everything we do, every good deed, thought and kindness will be recognized, not just in this life, but in the next one.

So here I sit, comforting my sister and letting her know that Claus is watching her. And that he knows how much he was loved and how much he meant and that he can find peace in knowing that there are those of us who care for my sister and make sure that she can go on living. For me, death is merely the beginning of another form of being.


  1. Sorry to hear of your loss, for both you and your sister. Take care

  2. Interesting!…I am a relgious person and I lost my mama in 1983(cancer) and she came to me and told me everything was ok, and she had to go, and walked off into a beautiful field of flowers! She gave me the most sweetest smile as she left and she was at peace.

  3. my God!! was our meeting just a chance or pre-destined!!! i am so so so much in agreement with you .. i know precisely what you are talking of….. i am glad i have found somebody who can delve in this world as much as i do!!! God Bless…

    1. Pre-destined 😀 Nothing really ever happens by chance; at least not the things that truly matter. We draw our mirror images and sometimes we draw “ass angels;” i.e. those who teach us the hardest lessons.

  4. I am very sorry about your brother-in-law and am praying for your sister.

    I totally agree with you and Sushmita, she is a great friend btw too, and not by chance I’m sure. I talked to my dad 3 years ago, after he too died of lung cancer. I was a mess because I wasn’t there when he died and really wasn’t in a good place in my own life to be the support I wished I’d been for him. Anyway, talking to him helped so much!
    You’ve probably read Jacqueline’s near death experience story on CP. It gave me goosebumps and I truly believe she is an angel placed here on earth. Mayby your sister could talk to Jacqueline or someone else you know there that could help her ‘connect’ and get the ‘peace’ she may need. Just a thought. Hoping she is doing better, if not yet.. soon!! Hugs to you both!! XOXO

  5. Well, my sister doesn’t speak English and she is very afraid of any type of psychic, medium, etc. But I did give her hope and courage, I believe, by telling her about what I know when it comes to life after death.

    I am no longer as devastated by death as I once was. I simply know too much about it to be scared 🙂

  6. Me too, Carmen, me too! 🙂
    Knowledge with an open mind and heart, certainly changes perspectives and feelings doesn’t it?!!. 😉

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