Living vs. Existing



We always say that we are trying our best to live life to its fullest. We vow that we will never forget that we have only one life and that we will live each day as if it is the last. And while most people apparently live their life as if it is never ending, I find that there are only a few of us who really try to remember living every day; namely those of us who lost people.

When you experienced death in your family and friendship circle, you start looking at life differently. You start remembering that you don’t have an infinite amount of years or days to waste and to do as you please and you remember, or become painfully aware, of your own mortality.

I’m not going to go into a rant, or lecture, or preach. Not today, not now. But I do so want to urge you to remember that all of our days are limited and we do not know how many we have left. So don’t waste your time on regret, fear, anger, hate, sadness, sorrow and worry.

I do wish for everyone to learn this lesson before you experience loss. I do wish for everyone to experience joy, happiness, laughter, delight, silliness, adventure and fullness. I do so wish that we become lighter, stressing less, relaxing more and feeling more connected, instead of feeling isolated or alone. Surround yourself with those who don’t judge you and allow you to be. Find those who compliment your being, instead of taking from it. Find those who help you grow, instead of those who keep you little and small.

Life is not a struggle. It is not meant to be a burden. It is meant to cherish and love and experience. You will never be perfect, but you will be perfect enough for a few, who understand your essence and think that you add more to their life and being, than take from it.

So, go live, love, drink, eat, swim, float, fly, run, climb, walk, engage, talk, listen and in the end, just be.