My Own Talk Show!

The more I watch the garbage that’s on TV, the more I wished I had my own show. But then, no one would watch it, haha.

It seems, the dumber you are, the easier it is to get on TV. Apparently, really ignorant, uneducated douche canoes make for great television. I can’t even stomach shows like “Jersey Shore,” but I am utterly amazed at how many people can and will. I listen to KROQ in the morning and heard a small excerpt, where one of the douchy guys in the show proudly proclaimed he is going to bbq a filet mignon, which he pronounced the way it is written. Yes, this guy called it a fillet micknone! Every time I hear the amazingly stupid commentary from the members on this show, I scratch my head, wondering who could actually sit there and watch this stuff. But then, Sarah Palin can see Russia from Alaska, and still would have tons of viewers, had it not been for the fact that they canceled her ignorant butt.

Our economy is going down the toilet and we are complaining about jobs being outsourced, but whenever I look around, I can’t help but notice the armies of uneducated, ignorant, self-serving Muppets with a huge sense of entitlement. And why wouldn’t they? We are rewarding idiots like Palin, Snooky, the Situation and the Duggar family with their own shows; which are then watched by millions who seem to be highly entertained by it. I really, really feel that the country’s IQ has to hover somewhere around 90, if we are lucky. This is the only explanation I have for shows like “Jersey Shore,” “Jerry Springer” and the likes to succeed.

It seems I am surrounded by a fog of ignorance, denial and stupidity. And the worst of it seems that predominantly THOSE people seem to reproduce like rabbits. Not too many enlightened and healthy people out there who keep having kids. Remember, people with values and integrity? People who stand for something, have courage, really want to make the world a better place, know how to look past their own box and bs and actually care for others?

It really annoys me that what should be considered rudimentary, is now a rare breed that is hard to find. Instead, the Muppets of the world not only keep breeding, but keep voting, which contributes greatly to the state we are in right now. I hate to break it to people, but the Chinese and Indian kids are highly educated and the largest populations on this planet. When employers have to go to other countries to find educated and smart people, who are much cheaper on top of it, what do you think they’ll end up doing?

There are times when I feel really discouraged, but what can I do? All I can do is my part to contribute to making the world a better place. But how can I even accomplish that, when there are more sleepers and sheep, than they are enlightened and wide awake individuals out there? I guess I have to keep trying and maybe one day, I will have a talk show; too bad I can’t call it The Muppet Show! 😉