Perspective – Take 1,000,000,000

This morning I woke up at 6 am, feeling groggy and tired from staying up too late. I started my long walk over to the conference center and started getting grumpy on the way there. It was merely 7:30 am now and I already had over 100 emails. I thought about all the work I have left to do this week, challenges I currently have and other stuff, while watching the storm cloud slowly forming above my head. For a short moment I felt an overwhelming need to turn around, run back to my room, pack up and leave. And then I just stopped.

I stood there, literally frozen in my tracks, raising my head and looking around me. I was in Vegas. I was staying in a nice spa suite and was learning/gaining knowledge from new industry peers. I was dressed well, in a nice silk blouse and for the first time I actually noticed people smiling at me in passing. I was/am in a place that most people would consider so very fortunate and I was about to blow it and miss it.

As soon as I noticed what I was doing, or about to do, my mood changed, as it always does when I decide to wake up.

Why does it come so easy and effortlessly to come from a place of “I do not have/I am not (enough)? Why do I get bogged down by my flaws, when I know that our eyes are not the catalyst for true seeing and for perception?

Why do we focus on daily tasks and the mundane, when it takes but a mere second to create an island?

I stress too much and I think too much about things, concepts, people and places that really do not matter. Sometimes, there is an endless movie of pipe dreams, recreating imaginary pictures of what I think I should have or be. And then I stop. And then I yell out in my mind THINKING, before I focus on my breath and truly open my eyes.

Nothing truly matters and I mean that from a place of stillness. What matters is that every single day is a blank canvas for us to paint on and recreate. Didn’t get it right today? Who cares? Tomorrow is a new day and we can start painting all over again. What happened yesterday is gone; what happens tomorrow who knows. But right now, in this very moment, I choose to be present and alive; and yes, wide awake.

When we are present, miracles happen and true happiness occurs for that very moment and place and time; miracles we would miss because we were too busy stressing or worrying and spending too much time completely checked out.

Look up, smile, take the outstretched hand, cry, laugh and know that nothing is impossible when your simply change your perspective.