
If we could simply focus, for just a moment, and understand that we control nothing, but our own reactions and perceptions, we can finally let go of the belief that there is something wrong with us, that we need to do more, are not enough or are disconnected.

When we spent our time pondering what we could or should have done, or not done, for that matter, we miss that we are, right at that very moment, still doing “it.” We lost our connection to the present and hence, keep repeating the same cycles, because we are chasing the past.

When we can’t let go and chase that which has been, we are unconscious. When we are unconscious, we are defaulting to our pre-programmed hard-wiring. There is no freedom, just compulsive creation of the same patterns, thought processes and emotions we are not just accustomed to, but addicted to.
The only way to stop the addiction, or rewire our very brain patterns, is by reminding ourselves each day to stop, breathe and be; be ourselves.

If, for just a moment, we realize that we have all we want and need, all we aspire to be, dream of and hope for already within us, right now, we can again, stop the chase, the noise, the need to feel lack and so again stay in the present and be.

Our happiness and fulfillment does not lie in the past or future, but in the middle, namely the present. We must cherish each moment and live each day as if it might be our last.

So each day I work on just letting go and stopping my addiction to meaning and attachment. Life is amazing and precious. I have a duty to live it to the fullest, instead of wasting it by merely existing.