Random Thoughts from my Fire Brain



Today, I was walking from the office over to the parking garage. Walking in front of me was a fabulously dressed Asian man wearing dark green shoes and bright, hazard orange socks! I almost stopped him to tell him how awesome his footwear was!

I love socks. I have a strange fascination with them. Personally, I have all kinds of socks, and while I prefer the Halloween variety with bats or other spooky stuff on them, I am also very fond of Christmas socks, Valentine socks, winter socks, fall socks and whatever else one can find. I really like the fluffy kind. Unfortunately, they are too fluffy to fit in shoes, but around the house I can often be found wearing the fluffy variety. Socks are great and one can never have enough of them.

Which brings me to another thing that I think about a lot; namely feet. I don’t quite understand the concept of flip flops, unless one is by a pool, the beach or comes out from a nail salon. I am creeped out by scary feet in flip flops, and of course, can’t contain myself but must stare. It’s one of my bad habits. I stare at people. Personally, I feel if a person doesn’t have nice feet, they should keep that stuff hidden. But what do I know? I mean, like probably all women (and at least one male I know) I have a shoe fetish. One can never have enough fabulous shoes. On the plus side, I give those pairs I no longer wear away to Goodwill or my friend Lena. I think Lena owns at least 5 pair of previous Carmen shoes. And yes, I have flip flops, I wear them at home, to yoga and to the nail salon. I would never wear them to work.

Hands are also quite fascinating. The ultimate turn off for me are people who bite their nails into tiny little nubs. It sounds terribly shallow, but I could never be with a guy who has nub nails. Hands tell me a lot about a person. I like nice hands; who doesn’t? And of course, I love gloves. I have a few pairs of gloves. Like socks, I feel nice gloves are awesome. It makes me sad that they are usually not necessary in Los Angeles. Although, in the winter, when it gets down to the 40s, I wear them for driving and prefer them over my steering wheel heater. I always have a pair of kitty gloves in the car. One can turn them from mitts into the fingerless variety, which makes me super happy.

Teeth are also fun to stare at. I always do it and I’m quite obsessed with my own dental hygiene. I remember being in Germany two years ago and hanging out with my brother and one of his best friends. The friend had not a single healthy tooth in his mouth. All of them were rotten or missing. Again, I found myself staring at his mouth all the time. I was simply fascinated why anyone would choose to let it get like that. Needless to say, said friend was single, and as far as I know, always has been.

One other bizarre habit I have is sorting. I love counting and sorting. When I get really stressed, I start counting things, like panes on a window, or panels of any kind. It is calming to me. Maybe that’s why I love spreadsheets so much, haha. And of course, I HAVE to sort things by height! It’s a weird thing, but books, bottles on shelves or in the bathroom, need to be sorted from highest on the left, to lowest on the right. And of course, anything with a label MUST face outwards.

Yep, these are some of the things my tired brain ponders at nauseum. Thank god for Candy Crush; or Bejeweled and….oh look! Squirrel…

1 Comment

  1. Once I met a man who scared me so much with his abilities that I freaked out and run away… Wish I could meet him again, because his psychic abilities were amazing! He read my thoughts like a book.

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