Religion – You’re doing it wrong!

Dear fanatic Believers of any kind!

Today, I invite you to re-read your scripture and actually study it before you open your mouth and start judging, hating or discriminating against those who are different. I’d also like to remind you that if you believe a certain way, or follow a certain god, you are not allowed to pick and choose just which areas of his word you are believing and which ones you conveniently leave out. Doing so anyway makes you merely a hypocrite and uneducated moron people will either make fun of, or downright hate. You certainly will not convert anyone with bigoted, mean-spirited half-truths or lies.

If you are a Christian, please note that your faith comes from following a certain Jesus Christ, who taught amongst many things, tolerance, love, acceptance, peace and harmony. He also talked and acted on loving one’s enemies, being compassionate, feeding the poor, healing the sick, holding the other cheek, forgiving, respect and leading by example! In addition, Jesus’ teachings are captured in something called “The New Testament.” So when you start throwing tidbits from The Old Testament around, in order to support your hate/disapproval of gay people and other religions, etc., you are missing the point. Jesus “overwrote” quite a few teachings from The Old Testament; and as harsh as it may sound, was a bit of a wimp, compared to the smiting, angry god from the Old Testament.

This brings me to other religions. Waving flags, burning Qurans and wishing death on Muslims might not actually make you come across as the superior religion or a good Christian. As a matter of fact, behaviors like that make you no different from the Muslim fanatics you are so afraid of and preach against. Based on actions alone, I’d say there are numerous cases of nutjobs on both sides of the fence. Number one indicator you are a nutjob?  That would be claiming that your god is better and other belief systems are evil, lower or destructive, and then doing horrible things in the name of such belief. When you start hurting, killing or discriminating against others “because your god told you so,” you are full of s***. God tells the exact opposite. Again, read that scripture. He did not create a club that excludes certain people or makes you better than another; which seems again up to misinterpretation.

In light of certain remarks in the press recently that stated that non-believers, i.e. atheists are not American, I simply must tell you to go back to the founding fathers of this country, their beliefs and the constitution. There is a very strong clause in there about separation of state and church, if you recall. Also, this country was based on freedom of religion and no matter how you want to spin it, that means ALL religions, not just your super club of Kool-Aid chugging Muppets, who confuse children with crazy rhetoric and flat out lies. You can’t go on about Middle-Eastern people brainwashing kids, while you have a 4-year old singing “God hates faggots.”

You want more people to believe? Simply stop the douche baggery and lead the way your scripture tells you to, namely by being a loving, caring and compassionate human being. Acting like a hateful monster will simply turn more and more of us into atheists or maybe Buddhists (the Hindus can come, too). At least we don’t kill each other or spew hatred over our beliefs. We actually are the more tolerant crowd! Maybe you can learn from that.

Meanwhile, as I know that fanatics, by design, cannot change their mind, know this: God, whoever he is, has a place for hateful, mean-spirited douche canoes. It’s called different things in different scriptures. But if you believe that there is punishment for your actions, you should be a bit more tolerant, or else you’ll find yourself in the same place as other bullies who thought their way and rules should have been imposed on the rest of the world. One such man’s name was Adolf Hitler.



PS: May your conversion endeavors be fruitless and may you live in paradise, never!