Sheep, Sheep – Bah

Black Friday, black Monday, stores opening on Thanksgiving and the sheep follow like there’s no tomorrow. As usual, they are bitching about the holiday spirit being amiss, while gaining competitive advantages over others by spraying them with pepper spray! What the hell is wrong with people? I mean, really? Are they that desperate, that crazy and that rude? Is this the total me, me, me society that whines about the lack of compassion, while trampling each other down for a god damn bargain?

Every time I see this crap I wanna puke. Of course, I don’t stand in line. I don’t stand in line for a concert, I don’t stand in line for a movie and I sure as hell won’t stand in line for a god damn store. If I don’t have the money for Christmas presents, tough luck! To me, nothing screams “asshole” more than some jerk who pushes old people and kids out of the way. And for crying out loud, some bitch who uses pepper spray at Walmart!

I can’t quite describe how deeply disturbed I am by crowds and the sheep mentally it creates. There is something deeply disturbing about living your life through stupid reality TV shows like “Jersey Shore,” and feeling genuine disappointment for the chick who doesn’t get the bachelor, etc. There is something so wrong with our society and the way it is literally conditioned and trained like a damn circus animal, to respond in a certain way to certain BS that isn’t even real. The sheep are easily manipulated and even easier controlled; and yet, yell about how “free” they are.

I’ve got news, there is no freedom in a bunch of dumb ass foot soldiers who don’t give a damn about anything but themselves; a bunch of clowns who have no clue about what is going on anywhere else in the world besides their own island and yet, feel a need to run their mouth about anything and everything; especially about politics. The more “news” I read the more I feel I live in the land of the dumb asses and the land of jerks. When I read articles about “Black Friday,” I can honestly say, I am friggin’ embarrassed to be an American.

Over and out from the Island of Hate! Can’t wait what “winner” they are going to vote into office next year!


  1. true..agree with you… the disease has spread everywhere not only in your country…trust me …. and i don’t know why it is so “heroic”,’pensive”, “artistic” and “educated” to keep cribbing about things around you?!! wonder why people have closed their eyes to abundance strewn around them… 🙂 you have a good time ahead.. .God Bless…

    1. Because “reality” TV teaches us how to be douche canoes all the time!

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