Stop the Insanity

“What is wrong with our world” is what people keep asking, eager to point fingers and deny the fact that they might be part of the problem.

We live in a society that promotes and rewards lack of initiative, lack of responsibility, accountability and lack of integrity. Everyone feels entitled to spew their toxic commentary and ideologies all over the place and to everyone. It seems right to these folks to exercise their “freedom of speech” by abusing, attacking and belittling all those who believe or think differently; or worse, those who think and believe freely.

There are plenty of nutjobs who spew false truths and completely made up stories and “facts.” And what is worse is that no one stands up to them and no one has the balls to actually tell them to shut up. This creates monsters, because that type always screams and talks the most and loudest, thereby actually appearing as if they speak for the majority. The squeaky wheels, the whiners, the martyrs, victims, bigots, fundamentalists, right wing nuts and ignorant jerks make the most noise, without ever being stopped or corrected.

As time goes by people may start to disassociate and stop listening and the insane ones don’t even notice. They tend to be stuck in their own BS and love to hear themselves talk; and the fact that no one confronts them makes them feel right as rain.

We live in a society where complete morons make the majority appear as sheep and spineless idiots. This is because those who should speak, those who actually have interesting and important things to say, those who inspire others or speak their mind usually don’t; and if they do, they get shut up for making waves and rubbing people the wrong way. Hence, it appears as if the crazy few speak for most or all of us.

We live in a society where hate and fear mongering has succeeded in manipulating the masses to follow people like Sarah Palin or George W.; and where it is OK to hate and want to kill or harm those who are the targets of the crazy few. It is OK to publicly hate Muslims, gays and those who believe differently. Apparently, it is no longer enough to simply disagree and mind your own business.

And why would they even do their homework on anything, as long as one can spew fallacies and sit on one’s butt, watching Jersey Shore, The Bachelor, or other “reality” shows. Thinking is no longer required in our society. We sit on our ever fatter getting behinds, point fingers, complaining and whining, while doing nothing and looking the other way.

We want our country and economy to grow and get stronger, but we give the power to the wrong people and we don’t have enough courage to stand up to those who contribute to our pain and misery. As long as there are no consequences to a person’s behavior, there is no need for them to “man up,” shut up, grow, change or take responsibility. And hence, the cycle continues and douche canoes like Phelps, keep enforcing their “right” to interrupt funerals and cause pain and grief to those who REALLY served our country.

Fortunately, there are guys like Bill Maher and Jon Stewart, just to name a couple, who do speak their mind and do make sense. They give us rational folks hope that maybe one day sanity will rule the land; and we’ll all be part of a wide awake and educated society, versus the sound asleep, ignorant and moronic one we are currently part of and have been part of for the past few years.


  1. Awesome article!!

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