Sun Studio LA in Marina del Rey are Asshats

Sun Studio LA

  • 4270 Lincoln Blvd
    Marina del ReyCA 90292

    Del Rey

I can’t believe it! Here I am, fighting fraudsters and unethical businesses for the past 7+ years, just to find out that I am equally as stupid as some of the people who’d charge back with my merchants!

Almost 3 years ago, I’ve signed up with Sun Studio LA in Marina del Rey. I don’t know what I was thinking, giving that I don’t tan. But I tried it, decided it wasn’t for me, went in and cancelled (as they stated that any cancelation had to be made in person) and forgot about it.

Almost THREE years later I wonder why one of my credit cards is being paid off slower than expected. I had transferred balances a few years ago, set up auto-pay and never used the card again. I go into my account and guess what? These douche canoes had charged me for another 2 1/2 years after my cancelation!

So I’ve called them up, asked if they had me in their system. The girl who answered the phone told me that they did. I’ve asked her if there was a cancelation for me in there too. She confirmed that as well. I asked her to look at the date of the cancelation; and that is when she told me the manager needs to call me back. Manager calls me back the next day, apologizes profusely, and says she will get back to me by the end of the day. I’ve never heard back. They now claim they never received my cancelation and produced my old contract.

They must have erased my cancelation from the system and I now have no proof that they ripped me off. What a bunch of unethical asshats. I hope karma bites them in the ass. Meanwhile, I am going to spread the word on how awful they’ve treated me. Liars and greedy asses make me sad. If there is karma, it will be on my side, given that I have been fighting fraud for almost 8 years now.