Carmen Honacker

If we could simply focus, for just a moment, and understand that we control nothing, but our own reactions and perceptions, we can finally let go of the belief that […]


OK, I really, really want to believe in ghosts, because the concept is awesome. But every time I watch “Ghost Hunters” or any other ghost show and they play back […]

Happy New Year - 2013

    Yay, another year passed! I’m not even going for any New Year’s resolutions. I do what I need to do, regardless of what time of the year it […]

My Bond with Roku

We have four pets; 2 dogs and 2 cats. I’ve had the cats and my husband had the dogs when we met. We combined them into one happy family, even […]

We are taught to not show anger. It is frowned upon when we are “out of control,” because we are civilized people, who should be able to deal with our […]

Negativity Kills

Currently, the number one killer and cause of chronic disease is stress; which causes heart attacks, diabetes, asthma and obesity, just to name a few. But what causes continuously high […]