Carmen Honacker

Horrible Employees

Not too long ago, I wrote an article about bad bosses and managers. It is therefore only fair to present the counterpart to it, namely the bad employee. These are […]

How do you...?

A friend was asked the following question by a potential date: “How do you keep the man of your choice interested in you, and only you, for the rest of […]

Release the BS

If you are like me, you’ll probably have a hard time letting go of negative memories. Sometimes, holding on can aid us in becoming stronger and making better decisions in […]

Life After Death?

I recently finished a book from a doctor who studied near death experiences for years. He collected more than 2,000 NDEs from people across the world; from all religious backgrounds, […]

It's All in Your Head

It sure seems a hard concept to grasp that it truly is all in our head. How we perceive the world, what happens to us (mostly!), what we call reality, […]