Carmen Honacker

Get Mad – Don’t Get Even

There are days when I am really angry or even enraged, and believe it or not, I am not necessarily PMSing every time. I know this is the general excuse for […]

Approval Junkies

We all want approval! It starts from the moment we are born until the day we die. When we are children, we constantly try to get the approval from our […]


I know that it appears at times as if I am only capable of administering tough love. However, this is not the case. Yes, I am very annoyed with eternal […]

My Own Talk Show!

The more I watch the garbage that’s on TV, the more I wished I had my own show. But then, no one would watch it, haha. It seems, the dumber […]

Good Riddance

For most of us it is difficult to lose people we care about, due to fights or fall-outs. Even when people just get weeded out during natural progression, it isn’t […]


Before I get any hateful commentary on how astronomy is all BS, not based on science, a scam and so on, I’d like to state that I do not “follow” […]

Feel It, But Don’t Act On It!

The good old saying is “Follow your heart!” But actually, this is not necessarily a good idea for everyone, and definitely not a good idea for me, or people like […]

How to Diffuse Whiners

Who doesn’t know at least one whiner? They can be found at work, at home and in pretty much every part of the world. When I talk about a “whiner,” […]