Carmen Honacker

Create Your Universe – Any Way You Want It

Again, this post can also be found on California Psychics: Sometimes we get stuck in the past. We drown in self-pity and sorrow over making the wrong choices, over […]

10 Most Desirable Traits in Human Beings

Here is a blog I wrote for CaliforniaPsychics. The link is here: No one is free of flaws and quirks. But there are ten personality/character traits that attract the […]

Moving from Dark to Light

The path of “darkness” is the easiest path, because it is the path of least resistance. This is why it is much more tempting to keep doing the wrong thing. […]

Narcissists Come in Many Forms

If one wants to look at narcissism from a spiritual point of view, one will find that numerous paths are focused on not being one. For example, studying the Kabbalah […]

10 Ways to Spot a Keeper

Here are the ten common traits sported by a genuinely nice guy, which I consider a “real man:” They are always willing to help you out. If it is at all […]

The Power of Denial

It’s said that the power of love and hate can overcome anything… but I believe that denial is even stronger. What makes denial so powerful is that it works with […]

A True Account of Getting in Shape

On TV they promise you amazing results within weeks. But how long does it realistically take to lose body fat, especially when you are no longer in your 20s or even 30s.