
Today I’m here to tell you that I love you, deeply and truly! You need to know this, because I’ve noticed that you are doing it again. You are doubting, […]

Sometimes you just have to shake off the dust, jump up, start dancing and singing your own renditions of your favorite songs! I think each and every one of us […]

Thoughts, Beliefs and Other Stuff

For the past few months I have done quite a bit of soul searching. I did my “infinite possibilities” training and started meditating and visualizing again. Within these new parameters […]

Happy Valentine's Day

  People seem to really hate Valentine’s Day. I don’t quite understand why. It’s been around for as long as I can remember, even in Germany. Granted, we may not […]


  Why do “inspirational” quotes and posts always tell us what kind of people we shouldn’t keep? Sure, most of this is common sense, but if you want to inspire […]