
I'm A Good Woman - So What?

How often have you sat aside a female friend, who was bawling because her relationship ended, while repeating “I’m a good woman. Why can’t he see that?” For some reason, […]

The Power of a Great Character

One of the biggest questions when people end up in the wrong relationships, pick the wrong friends or hire the wrong employees is why they didn’t see it coming. When […]

How to Speak Your Truth

I have been reiterating the fact that speaking your truth is one of the most important steps to getting the life you want and the happiness you deserve. When I […]

Breaking Up with Integrity

There is nothing worse in life (at least temporarily) than getting your heart broken. But it gets even worse when insult and humiliation is added to injury; usually because the one […]

10 Most Desirable Traits in Human Beings

Here is a blog I wrote for CaliforniaPsychics. The link is here: No one is free of flaws and quirks. But there are ten personality/character traits that attract the […]