
True Love - Make it So

Love – nothing will ever be more elevating, more empowering and more worthwhile than true love. And while all know this, it often seems to elude many of us for […]

Time is Precious

Time is precious. It is by far one of the most important commodities in our lives. This is why it is important to treasure every moment and make the best out […]

Thoughts, Beliefs and Other Stuff

For the past few months I have done quite a bit of soul searching. I did my “infinite possibilities” training and started meditating and visualizing again. Within these new parameters […]

(Not) The One

Some of the best ideas for writing come to me when talking to friends and yesterday, one such conversation took place. My friend expressed regret for not pursuing the “one […]

I'm A Good Woman - So What?

How often have you sat aside a female friend, who was bawling because her relationship ended, while repeating “I’m a good woman. Why can’t he see that?” For some reason, […]

Love, Dove, Schmove, Pove

  It’s the most complicated emotion we can feel and yet, I find it the most important one. What would I be without the ability to love? What would the […]

Happy Valentine's Day

  People seem to really hate Valentine’s Day. I don’t quite understand why. It’s been around for as long as I can remember, even in Germany. Granted, we may not […]