
Thoughts, Beliefs and Other Stuff

For the past few months I have done quite a bit of soul searching. I did my “infinite possibilities” training and started meditating and visualizing again. Within these new parameters […]

I'm A Good Woman - So What?

How often have you sat aside a female friend, who was bawling because her relationship ended, while repeating “I’m a good woman. Why can’t he see that?” For some reason, […]

Happy New Year

My very first instinct is to say “Wow, this year sucked!” But then, I cannot help but think that my glass is half full, not half empty and as always, […]

Truth is by nature self-evident. As soon as you remove the cobwebs of ignorance that surround it, it shines clear. –Gandhi 00

How to Speak Your Truth

I have been reiterating the fact that speaking your truth is one of the most important steps to getting the life you want and the happiness you deserve. When I […]

The Power of Denial

It’s said that the power of love and hate can overcome anything… but I believe that denial is even stronger. What makes denial so powerful is that it works with […]