The Gay Agenda

gay love


I want to start out by saying that I am a straight woman. I am as straight as they come. I’ve never experimented with women and I am not confused about my sexuality at all. I have, however, had gay friends for most of my life. There was a time as a teenager when I only partied with gay men and this time was one of the best times of my life!

What I am about to say may sound shocking, but I feel it needs to be said in order to put things in perspective. As a survivor of sexual abuse, and as a woman who knows plenty of other sexual abuse survivors, I have done my homework and can say this with absolute certainty: Over 90% of all child molesters, rapists, abusers, exhibitionists and sadists are heterosexual men!  Yes, go ahead and read this statistic again! You may argue your bullshit, but these are the facts. You can do your own research when it comes to studies done by sociologists and psychologists. In addition, I have yet to meet a single person who was abused by a gay person and this includes the men I have met who were molested or raped! So now that we have the facts, let me move on with a few other “strong opinions” here.

Why is it that gay haters are always talking about the “gay agenda?” What agenda do gay people have? To be treated equally? To not be subjected to discrimination, bigotry and hate? Isn’t that the same agenda all of us have in a free country?

I really love when I hear that some concerned citizens hate on gay people because they fear for the safety of their children. You feel you are “subjecting” your children to homosexuality? And this does what? Make them gay? I have been hanging out with homosexual men and women since I was a teenager and I am still straight as an arrow. Apparently, the gay didn’t rub off on me.
Don’t want gay people to adopt or have children for the same reason? Have you known gay parents? Because I actually know a few and they are better parents then mine could ever hope to be. Oh, I also forgot to mention that their kids didn’t grow up to become gay either. If that would be the case, I wonder why your kid turned out gay, when you are straight! Alas, I digress.

Look, it is part of this beautiful country that you can come up with the most batshit crazy ideas and sell them as fact. You get to sell your craziness as freedom of speech and you get to spew whatever comes to your mind, whenever and wherever you feel like it.
Generally, none of this bothers me – if crazy would just stick to crazy. But no! It is not good enough to have a nutty belief, you now need to force this belief on the rest of the world; and you do it in the name of….are you ready? Of course! You do it in the name of being a Christian. To quote Patton Oswalt “Oh Sky Cake!”

People!!! Please let me share this. I was raised Christian and read the New Testament. Let me tell you something about this guy, Jesus Christ. This was the guy who hung out with lepers, murderers, thieves, prostitutes and other hated folks. This guy loved and healed and never once discriminated or shared a single thought or word of intolerance. There is no douche baggery found in the New Testament! Wanna talk about “men shall not lay with men” crap? That’s in the OLD Testament; you know, the stuff Jewish people follow? But you cannot, absolutely cannot call yourself a Christian while spewing hate, intolerance and discrimination. If you do, you are a wannabe Christian and obviously, never read Christ’s word.

If you want to hate homosexuals based on your own ignorance and fear, at least admit to it. But don’t do it in the name of Christ or to protect children. That just makes me want to hurl. As mean as it may sound, I wish all these better-than-thou jerks would find themselves in the boat where their child comes out as gay. Nothing to cure ignorance and stupidity than being confronted with it in your own family. Obviously, a lot of these super angry people have way too much time on their hands. I have no other explanation for people sticking their noses into the bedrooms of other people and trying to decide who another can and cannot love.

I am fully aware that my words won’t make a difference for those who hate strongly. If words would make a difference, we wouldn’t have racism and discrimination. Alas, maybe someone will take the time to actually read and study the scientific evidence for the things they are talking about and come to the conclusion that they are wrong. You know, “humanum errare est” (to err is human) and I think it would make a lot of people better humans if they could understand how hurtful and misplaced their words and actions are.

I get it! You don’t want to be gay. You don’t want to imagine what gay people do (I don’t want to imagine what some straight people do either) but that doesn’t give you the right to hate, especially not when you are a Christian! No one is asking you to be gay or engage in gay activities. No one is making your children gay and trust me, gay won’t rub off. So, truly for Christ’s sake, have some tolerance, some compassion and love for people, especially when they are different from you. Last time I checked, that’s what Christ taught!