The Party Is Here!
















It’s Friday night; oops, Saturday morning and the party is right here! Tonight’s attendees are me, myself, I, Mr. Laptop, Sake, Salem, Roku and “ID Discovery!” The show is “Very Bad Girls.” Good times…woot!

I recently had a conversation with one of my super close friends. She is single and dating and the stories I am getting from her are quite scary. She is on a couple “serious” dating sites and disappointed and shocked at the quality of guys she is meeting. She reported there are tons of players and we frequently ponder why they would spend time creating a profile on a serious dating site, when they are only interested in getting laid. Going down that road is equally as useless as pondering why successful men date younger and intellectually inferior women. Thank god I am married; I’d be single for the rest of my life.

I feel bad, because I am the perfect Vulcan. I approach many things from a point of logic and, well, math. I already expect that people are largely delusional, quite often disappointing and at best, rather boring and therefore wouldn’t even bother to “date.” If I’d be single, I’d probably stay so. I simply wouldn’t be able, or willing to put up the energy to go searching for a partner. I have always lived, in my own way, on the outside. I have tried the “outside” groups and found them all disappointing and not really different at all. While most may find me terribly judgmental, I find myself merely bored with the endeavor of constantly attempting to explain myself. I am not claiming that I operate on a higher or lower level; I simply operate on a different frequency. Trying out the “normal” frequency is usually rather exhausting for me, because I honestly don’t know how to do it.

So, it is quite easy for me to define “party” as me hanging out with myself, pondering human nature and watching anything and everything that shows different behaviors. By now I have moved on to “Hoarders.” Most people find it depressing; I find it fascinating. The human mind is fascinating and so are all the intricaciesĀ of human behavior. Ah, how I wished I could have studied psychiatry. I’d love to be a neurosurgeon or psychiatrist. Mental illness is quite fascinating to me.

And now I have moved on to “Freakshow.” See the pattern yet? šŸ˜‰ Ack, digressing again. My point is that I am quite fascinated by people who put themselves out there. Those who are dating, partying, love large crowds, go to concerts and love big gatherings. I often wished I was more like the norm. Meanwhile, I am hanging out right here, with Mr. Laptop, typing random thoughts onto my blog. Ahhhh, what can I say? Living on the edge! Excitement, I am doing it right!