Time, Zeit – Is It Ever Right?


If I had a single dollar for every part of my life where timing wasn’t right, I’d be a billionaire. Timing – isn’t it an interesting concept? And isn’t it about the only thing we never truly have enough of? It ticks away and within a heartbeat, it runs out.

I’m a jumper. I jump into things and oh yes, I have gotten my butt kicked for that, in the proverbial sense. I jump and I run and while I used to run away from things I now run toward them. I run and I jump, because I truly value the essence of time. I understand, maybe more than most, how precious time is and how quickly it can be taken away; so I simply don’t waste it. I am always aware of my mortal coil and while it sounds so cliché, I know that lightning could strike tomorrow and I may be run over by a truck. My mom sure as hell had no clue that she was about to die when she went to the hospital to merely get some gallstones removed – she was 48.

Why do we treat our life as if it was endless? Why do we act as if we had an endless amount of life and health? We waste it all away, careless and clueless until it gets taken away from us. Oh, how we take it all for granted. How we think there is always another chance for us. There is always tomorrow; or next week, next month or next year, right?

Today, I woke up understanding once more that I am on borrowed time and that it ticks away slowly and surely with each breath I take. I realized once more that I have a duty to myself to live life to its fullest potential and above all – love myself, forgive myself and continuously strive to be the best I can be.  Today, I realize once more that there is no such thing as being ready; at least not for me. Some things will happen to me, regardless if I am ready for them or not. I can cease the day, the moment and the opportunity and handle it like the the woman I want to be. I can recognize each amazing moment, person and situation and face it, head on! I shall not run away and dwell in fear, doubt and regret. For how often have I ever felt regret for the things I’ve done versus the things I didn’t do and ran from?

Today, I realize once more that I am always in the perfect moment, at the perfect time. I have no regret, I have no fear, I am ready now – I was born ready. May I never miss a single moment of joy, bliss, happiness, love, friendship and wonder. May I always be able to take this leap of faith, instead of waiting and worrying that I may not be ready, wondering what if. May I never hesitate and keep running and jumping, arms and heart wide open. And may you be able to do the same. With love and light…