Today’s deplorable holy explanation of the Japanese earthquake brought to you by Cindy Jacobs

I HAD to share this! If all the truly inspiring, enlightening and intelligent people of the world would speak as loudly as all the stupid, ignorant, bigoted ones, the whole world would be a better and much more peaceful place!

Posted by cranberryzero here:

I’m sorry. Maybe I should stop paying attention, but people keep saying these incredibly, unbelievably stupid things and they make me mad and I post them. Today, it’s Cindy Jacobs, whose day job is exorcising gay demons out of people. In her spare time, she says dumb shit like “The earthquake in Japan was caused because they worship dragons.” 

Okay, her actual quote:

“This island, Hokkaido, looks like the head of a dragon with the body being the rest of Japan. The people of Asia have worshipped the dragon for 5,000 years. If one looks at the place where the earthquake took place, it looks like the soft underbelly of most vulnerable part of the dragon. Let’s pray that the deep idolatry and the worship of hundreds of idols under the guise of Shintoism, Buddhism, and allegiances to being “sons of the dragon” will be broken and thousands will turn to the Lord.”

From an editorial here

I love it when people find ways to feel divinely superior based on geographical location. I’m sure whenever a tornado rips through her home town however that it’s “a wake up call” or “a blessing in disguise” or Jesus “taking his sons and daughters home”. GTFOff my planet.



  1. Hey, can I use your entry on my blog with a linkback?

    1. Yes, you sure can!

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