Why I can’t stand Teabaggers

I really, really try to not write about politics, but lately, I can’t help but go there. I might be off my rocker, but each time any of them speak, all I hear is bigotry, hatred, prejudice, propaganda and simply BS. Apparently, every half-wit is allowed to publically speak and voice a completely unfounded opinion; usually sporting horrific grammar and spelling when submitted in written form. Rarely do I see as much finger-pointing and blaming as I see it from most of the individuals who lean to the far right. Facts are not so much their friend, as long as one screams “USA!” and waves an American flag about.

I thought this country was based on freedom of speech and freedom of religion, as well as separation between church and state. Somehow, these brilliant individuals seem to get the very thing they are yelling about (namely, the good old values of the country) not only completely backwards, but also terribly mixed up and twisted.

Every time I see Sarah Palin, I feel an incredible sense of dread. Watching how she runs her not-so-smart mouth, spewing hypocrisy and half-truths makes me want to throw up. I am even more disappointed in the fact that this BS is working for quite a few people. I’ve seen previews to her TV show and wonder how in the world people enjoy this woman. It deeply worries me that she and her posse have grown incredibly popular in this country. It worries me even more that it seems ok these days to publically ridicule, hate, bully and hurt people.

I feel ashamed when I watch gay people or US soldiers, who risk their lives out there, being treated as criminals by some of the extreme Christian churches. And wouldn’t we know it; these churches are predominantly located in the red states. Somehow the most atrocious behaviors are acceptable, if one carries or quotes the good book!

It makes absolutely no sense to me how these people claim that Obama ran the country into the ground. The fact that Bush completely annihilated the US in his 8 year reign of stupidity somehow gets swept under the carpet. To compare Obama to Hitler and calling him a communist is just absolutely mind-boggling to me, especially since most of the haters have not the slightest clue what socialism or communism truly are about. I am very strongly for more social care in this country! But then, I am one of the privileged few who just spent about $4k in additional doctor bills my $1,800 a month PPO didn’t cover.

Who argues these ridiculous notions? Are these real people? Are these people who ever had to sit in an ER for hours? People who ever had to pay thousands of dollars in doctor bills for something simple? Maybe these are people who never get sick and they sure as hell can’t be people who had loved ones trying to battle cancer without proper insurance. Who argues that we need more Christian values, when “love thy neighbor” is definitely not one of these values and the “throwing stones while sitting in a glass house” is also overlooked. How do they read the Bible? Is it like “ok, I do like this part. I am going to run with that and twist it. However, that part I don’t like, so I am going to omit that!”

The hypocrisy seems to have no bounds and the idiots in this country scream the loudest, which means that is how the rest of the world sees all of us. I mean, what exactly are they thinking? If they are all such huge believers and great citizens, how come we are surely not known for our tolerance, kindness, intellect or greatness in other countries anymore? Apparently, they are suffering from great delusions of grandeur with their “we are the greatest nation in the world” mantra, when they are the ones who actually changed this very image.

I wonder if they ever feel stupid when their only argument to changing the crap hole we are in right now is “well, if you hate it, why don’t you move to a communist  country!” But then, no they do not, because this is the dumb comment I keep seeing over and over and obviously the only one they can come up with when being called on their “facts.”

Sadly, I don’t have the answers here. I am not all that thrilled with the lack of decision making and actions coming from the democrats either. Maybe I have to accept the fact that most politicians are corrupt and/or powerless and that only the most radical douche canoes are heard the loudest, and hence, sport the greatest following. Of course, teach them early is also a great tool. Brainwashing kids works always great, as we know from the Middle East and other radical nations. Meanwhile, all I can do is keep voting and opening my mouth, while trying to support human and animal rights organizations as much as I can.

If the current state of our country is not the best argument for atheism, I don’t know what is. Because any supreme being would have already come down and smited the crap out of most of the world’s population!